Two papers make up JEE Mains Result(Main), the joint entrance test. NITs, IIITs, other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs), and Institutions/Universities supported/recognized by participating State Governments conduct Paper 1 for admission to Undergraduate Engineering Programmes (B.E/B.Tech.). JEE (Main), a test for admission to IITs, is a requirement for taking JEE (Advanced) .For entry into the nation’s B. Arch and B. Planning programmes, Paper 2 is administered.
The NTA dispelled all false claims that were being made on social media in March regarding the release dates for city intimation slips and admittance cards. The National Testing Agency (NTA) is expected to distribute the JEE Main admission card soon. However, before the NTA JEE hall ticket, the authorities will issue the JEE Main city intimation slip link. The IIT JEE Main exam’s second session is anticipated to occur in April. Only candidates who have enrolled for the NTA JEE Main exam for the current session are eligible to download the IIT JEE Main admission card. Candidates can check their personal details, exam date and time, JEE Main exam centre information, and more with the help of their hall ticket.
Only those who successfully register for the April session of JEE Mains Result will be issued an admit card. When you travel to the testing site, you must take your JEE Main admission card with you. JEE Main’s first and second sessions were held in January and February, respectively, while the third session will be in April. The JEE Advanced exam will only be open to the top 2, 50,000 scorers in the JEE Main rank list.
To increase their chances of passing the Joint Entrance Examination Mains, candidates are encouraged to review the JEE Main syllabus. Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics content from Classes 11 and 12 is included in the JEE Main syllabus. In addition to reviewing the JEE test content, candidates must also review the JEE Main exam pattern. Candidates can review the JEE Main exam pattern to get additional information about the exam’s structure, number of questions, time allocation, and grading system.
For admissions in the upcoming academic session, the JEE (Main) will be offered in 02 (two) sessions. As a result, the candidates will gain the following benefits:
- A candidate will be given two chances to improve their exam score if they are unable to put their best effort in one try.
- Students will have first-hand experience taking an exam the first time, and they will learn from their mistakes to perform better on their second try.
- Droppers won’t have to waste a whole year as a result, which will reduce their propensity to drop a year.
- If a person missed the exam due to unforeseen circumstances (like the Board exam), they won’t have to wait a full year to retake it.
- A candidate should not require attending both Sessions. If a candidate competes in more than one Session, the highest JEE (Main) – NTA Scores will be considered while creating the Merit List/Ranking.
Alternatives will be provided in one part of each topic of Paper 1 and Part-I of Paper 2A and 2B in order to suit the decision of numerous Boards across the nation to reduce the curriculum. The overall number of questions (25 for each of mathematics, chemistry, and physics) will remain the same if applicable.
JEE-Mains Registration
JEE Advanced registration will be available online beginning in April. The JEE Advanced application form will be available on jeeadv.ac.in. Before the deadline, candidates must submit their JEE Advanced application. However, the JEE Advanced test dates will be released shortly. Candidates must register and finish an application that includes questions on their educational, professional, and communication histories. Students also pay the application form fee by online. The steps for completing the JEE Advanced application form are shown below.
JEE-Mains Registration Steps
- Students must visit the JEE Advanced candidate portal for AAT and register for the exam thereby entering their JEE Advanced registration number, date of birth, mobile number, and email address.
- When asked if they are interested in AAT, the candidates will have to select between “Yes” and “No”.
- The candidate must select the exam site based on their preferences (international centers are not relevant).
- Applicants must enter the required data, which includes several facts.
- After validating all the details, applicants must submit the application.
NTA JEE-Mains Admit Card
Candidates can get their JEE Advanced admission card by login into the candidate portal with their NTA JEE Advanced registration number, date of birth, and mobile number. Along with the participants’ vital details like name, date of birth, category, and roll number, the JEE Advanced hall ticket also contains the exam day, time, and place. JEE Advanced dates are available on the official website. The JEE Advanced hall ticket must be downloaded and safely stored by aspirants.
IIT JEE Advanced Admit Card Download Steps
- Candidates can follow the below instructions to download their JEE Advanced admission card.
- Check out the JEE Advanced website.
- Select the “Admit Card” link.
- On the screen will appear the JEE Advanced candidate portal.
- Input your registration number, birthdate, and mobile number.
- Choose “Login.”
- The admission card for JEE Advanced will appear on the screen.
- After downloading the admissions card, print it out.
NTA JEE Advanced Admit Card Details
- Name of Candidate
- Name of Parents/Guardian
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Category
- JEE Main Roll Number
- JEE Advanced Roll Number
- IIT Zone
- Centre Code
- Status of Person with Disability
- Photograph of Candidates
- Signature of Candidates
- Name and Address of Allotted Exam Centre
- Date and Timing of JEE Advanced
- Registration Status of JEE Advanced
- Signature of Chairman
- Exam Day Guidelines
JEE Advanced Syllabus
Authorities have made the JEE Advanced syllabus available at jeeadv.ac.in. The JEE Advanced subject-by-subject syllabus is available to applicants in pdf format. Additionally, candidates can review important JEE Advanced test chapters and topics. The authorities will conduct the JEE Advanced exam online on June
JEE Main Result
The JEE Main scorecard is a crucial document that details candidates’ exam performance. The JEE Mains Result scorecard or result will include the information below:
- Subject-wise NTA scores
- Aggregate NTA scores
- Name of the candidate
- Roll number
- Date of birth
- Parents’ name
- State code of eligibility
- Category and nationality
JEE Main Exam Pattern
While preparing for the exam, candidates are advised to check theJEE Mains Result syllabus and the official exam format. Information about the administration of the entrance examination including elements such the total marks, duration, language, number of questions, and marking system will be provided using the JEE Main test format from the previous year.
How to fill JEE Main application form
- Visit the JEE Main website at jeemain.nta.nic.in.
- Click the page to register for JEE Main session 2.
- Give personal information to create login credentials.
- Relogin with the credentials you generated, then complete the application form as instructed.
- Send in the required documents in accordance with the guidelines.
- The JEE Main application fee must be paid online.
- Send in your JEE Mains session 2 application, and keep a copy of the confirmation page for your records.
JEE Advanced question paper
The JEE Main question papers and solutions are now available for download in PDF format from this page. Students can access the JEE Main test question papers for sessions 1 (January) and 2 (April) in PDF format on this page. Candidates can obtain answer keys and PDFs of the solutions for all of the JEE Main exam papers here. These JEE Main solved question papers will be used to assess applicants’ exam performance. Students preparing for the upcoming JEE might start using these question papers as a resource and starting to solve them as part of their preparation. By reviewing the question papers of several JEE Main question papers, students will be able to understand the format of the question papers and the degree of difficulty of the various sorts of questions that appear in the forthcoming exams. By completing all of the JEE Main previous year question papers, students will obtain a thorough understanding of the exam style and learn how to manage challenging and complex questions.
Students taking the JEE Mains Result can examine their overall or anticipated marks using the answer key and solutions posted on this website. On this page, you’ll discover answers to every JEE Main question from the January and April sessions.
The JEE exam, which consists of JEE Main and JEE Advanced, is one of the most important admission assessments for people pursuing engineering degrees. The exam is open to those who want to pursue a career in engineering and technical studies. The JEE exam also provides access to some of India’s most prestigious engineering colleges. Those who pass the JEE Main exam are eligible to apply for admission because some of the top colleges respect the exam results. Those who pass the JEE Mains Result test are eligible to take the JEE Advanced exam, which is the second round of the exam. The JEE Advanced exam will eventually determine who gets in to the IITs.
The release date for the results will be announced and updated here. For the most recent information about colleges and universities, admission, programmes, tests, academic institutions, research, NEP, educational policy, and other topics, follow us on Twitter. Write to us at searchurcollege to get in touch.
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